OYYA Services Map

See where youth support services overlap with OYYA density.

This interactive mapping tool displays data on the rate and total number of Opportunity Youth and Young Adults (OYYA) in the Greater Houston region by neighborhoods and demographic, overlaid with locations of organizations that serve OYYA in addition to the types of services they provide. OYYA are young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are not in school and not working, also referred to as disconnected youth, and connecting these young people with the resources they need is an important way to reduce disconnection in the Greater Houston region.

This tool includes dozens organizations offering over 30 services that support young people in charting paths toward education and employment. All maps contain data from the US Census Bureau on youth disconnection rates and totals.

The map is fully responsive, and hovering over point geographies and neighborhoods reveals additional information about the organizations or youth disconnection rates in the area. Organizations can be filtered on the right-hand side by the services they provide, or via the organization name highlighter. Additionally, locations or neighborhoods can be searched using the search icon in the upper left corner.

If you are an organization that is supporting opportunity youth and you would like to be included on the map or update an existing listing please complete the information form to connect with our team.